Purchase iPropWiz 6

iPropWiz 6 Licenses

iPropWiz 6 can be used with either a local or floating license. For local (fixed) licenses, take advantage of the license packs to reduce the number of license keys you need to manage.

Note: iPropWiz local licenses allow you to deactivate the license on the original computer it is installed on, and then activate the license on a differently named computer. You are limited to a single deactivation/activation for each installation. For example, if you purchase a Five (5) License pack, you can use the key to activate the license on five (5) computers. You can also deactivate the license on any of the computers and activate the license on a differently named computer, not more than five (5) times in total between all of the computers.

iPropWiz 6 Local License

A single license key is provided for each license pack. For example, if you purchase a Five (5) License pack, you will receive a single license key that can be used to activate the software on five different computers.

DescriptionLicensesPrice (USD)Purchase
Single License1$99.00
Two (2) License pack2$194.00
Three (3) License pack3$288.00
Five (5) License pack5$475.00
Eight (8) License pack8$744.00
Ten (10) License pack10$920.00
Fifteen (15) License pack15$1350.00
Twenty (20) License pack20$1760.00
Thirty (30) License pack30$2550.00
Fifty (50) License pack50$4150.00
One Hundred (100) License pack100$8000.00

iPropWiz 6 Floating Licenses

You can optionally purchase a floating license key to support iPropWiz users on a local network. With this option you install an iPropWiz floating license server with a preset license limit on your network. As users start iPropWiz during an Inventor session, they obtain a license from the network. The license is released when Autodesk Inventor is closed, making it available to another user. If all available licenses have been assigned from the server, no other users will be able to obtain a license until one or more licenses have been released by current users.

Note: The iPropWiz 6 license server is intended to work on a local network for a local set of users. We do not support serving licenses across WANs or domains, from virtual servers, converting floating licenses to fixed licenses (unless you also have a local license key), or any other enterprise networking support. The iPropWiz 6 floating license server does not use the same technology as floating licenses for Autodesk products.

Note: Floating licenses cannot be combined. Please purchase a single floating license key for the number of licenses required. Please contact us if you have questions or specific requirements.

DescriptionLicensesPrice (USD)Purchase
Single Floating License1$118.00
Two (2) Floating Licenses2$230.00
Three (3) Floating Licenses3$345.00
Five (5) Floating Licenses5$570.00
Eight (8) Floating Licenses8$896.00
Ten (10) Floating Licenses10$1110.00
Fifteen (15) Floating Licenses15$1638.00
Twenty (20) Floating Licenses20$2100.00
Thirty (30) Floating Licenses30$3080.00
Fifty (50) Floating Licenses50$5020.00
One hundred (100) Floating Licenses100$9890.00

Local License Upgrade from iPropWiz 5/5.5

Note: The following upgrade pricing applies only to current iPropWiz 5/5.5 license holders. You must purchase new licenses if you are currently using iPropWiz 2 or iPropWiz 2009. Your upgrade eligibility will be confirmed before a license key is issued. When you receive an email confirming your purchase, please contact us at to qualify your upgrade purchase.

You will need to send us one of the following to qualify your upgrade.

  • Your confirmation email with your license keys for iPropWiz 5/5.5.
  • A copy of your original PayPal receipt.
  • Name or company name under which the original product was ordered, and the date of purchase.

On verification, we will send you an email with your license key(s).

DescriptionLicensesPrice (USD)Purchase
Single License upgrade1$58.00
Two (2) License upgrade pack2$104.00
Three (3) License upgrade pack3$145.00
Five (5) License upgrade pack5$220.00
Eight (8) License upgrade pack8$335.00
Ten (10) License upgrade pack10$400.00
Fifteen (15) License upgrade pack15$580.00
Twenty (20) License upgrade pack20$730.00
Thirty (30) License upgrade pack30$990.00
Fifty (50) License upgrade pack50$1485.00
One hundred (100) License upgrade pack100$2565.00

Floating License Upgrade from iPropWiz 5/5.5

Note: The following upgrade pricing applies only to current iPropWiz 5/5.5 license holders. These upgrades will change your licensing from stand-alone local licenses to a floating license server for the indicated number of licenses. Your upgrade eligibility will be confirmed before a license key is issued. When you receive an email confirming your purchase, please contact us at to qualify your upgrade purchase.

You will need to send us one of the following to qualify your upgrade.

  • Your confirmation email with your license keys for iPropWiz 5/5.5.
  • A copy of your original PayPal receipt.
  • Name or company name under which the original product was ordered, and the date of purchase.

On verification, we will send you an email with your license key(s).

DescriptionLicensesPrice (USD)Purchase
Single Floating License upgrade1$75.00
Two (2) Floating Licenses upgrade2$140.00
Three (3) Floating Licenses upgrade3$195.00
Five (5) Floating Licenses upgrade5$300.00
Eight (8) Floating Licenses upgrade8$455.00
Ten (10) Floating Licenses upgrade10$540.00
Fifteen (15) Floating Licenses upgrade15$785.00
Twenty (20) Floating Licenses upgrade20$985.00
Thirty (30) Floating Licenses upgrade30$1340.00
Fifty (50) Floating Licenses upgrade50$2000.00
One hundred (100) Floating Licenses upgrade100$3465.00